Saturday, May 9, 2015

WHY disguise Rebel Angels as ALIENS?

Excerpt from

Much of the ufo activity in the public forum has been designed by the beings pretending to be "aliens" to convey a seemingly benign agenda. Conspicuous Ufo sightings occurred at the advent of our atomic age. Further sightings occurred at airforce bases with nuclear capabilities in the 1970's in which all control of the weapons was lost, and trajectories were reprogrammed. These encounters were staged to show that nonhumans were in control of such weapons of destruction. Conceivably, having such capabilities, if they were going to destroy humans or takeover the earth, they would have done so already. By feigning a disinclination towards domination, the nonhumans are promoting a seemingly peaceful agenda, fitting in to the New Age Globalist "Star Trek" paradigm.
In their dealings with humans, the beings disguised as aliens have offered several convincing rationalizations as to why the upper echelons of government should befriend the extraterrestrials . They claim to be a physically weakened race who merely need to join their DNA with more integral human DNA to survive, that they are refugees from a dying planet who need the help of sympathetic earthlings.

    Currently, the group of beings referred to as "aliens" are portraying themselves as disparate elements of the paranormal. Aliens, walk-ins, ascended masters, the hidden hierarchy, spirit guides, channelled beings and natural forces like Gaia, are all imparting a similar message of impending disaster and a need for all of humanity to unite. The "aliens" claim to be preparing the earth for a massive evolutionary shift of consciousness, a paradigm shift, while also continuing the education that they maintain is crucial if the human race is to be spared destruction. The nonhuman intelligences are feigning good intentions by warning humans of their potential fate, and the offer to assist humans is all but altruistic in that it is designed to unite mankind under a global authority, with their candidate on the Throne of the World.

The beings disguised as "aliens" have a plausible explanation as to why, against the odds, they evolved to look humanoid, why they would take such an interest in helping humankind, and why the government should support their plan to live in underground military bases for now, conducting secret experiments and gradually getting the public used to the idea of aliens, so as not to cause mass panic and hysterical backlash.

Non-human intelligences pretending to be "aliens" claim to be the ancient progenitors of the human race. This is the End Time Delusion, which would deceive even the elect, and will lead to the setting up of antichrist on the world throne.

    2 Thes 2:9
    Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie ...

The beings pretending to be aliens have had thousands, even millions of years to implement their deception. Ingeniously, these nonhumans have used that time to insinuate, into every culture, references to an elder race who have long been guiding humans (Nephilim Genesis 6, Annunaki, White Brotherhood etc). The beings pretending to be aliens have explained that the experimental humans they engineered into existence so long ago had never before emotionally matured, nor had they spiritually evolved to a sufficient level for contact with the "creators". It was necessary, the extraterrestrials maintain, to educate humans through various techniques that have been given to the spiritual leaders of human history [shamans, prophets & the mystery school]. Humans needed to develop a greater capacity for spiritual understanding before they could receive total enlightenment, and even now few are worthy.

The spiritual development of mankind has been guided by nonhuman intelligences whose agenda has been to infiltrate, and even instigate, religious traditions in all cultures -- and these nonhuman intelligences are now pretending to be enlightening aliens. Legends of cultures ranging from Babylonian to Hindu to Native American are laden with beings who possess superior technology, spiritual beings enjoying worship and reverence in exchange for distributing wisdom.

When these beings pretending now to be aliens manifest within our own culture, they will claim that the Bible is merely a primitive attempt to document their own interactions with humans. While these beings pretending to be aliens do appear in the Bible, scripture makes a clear distinction between the one God -- Creator and Redeemer, namely Jesus Christ -- and those deceptive beings who would CLAIM to be creative gods. These beings are the fallen angels and their leader, the rebel cherub referred to as Baal, Satan, the serpent and the devil.

Rebel angels, and their degraded brothers the demons, have always been in contact with humans, shaping the cultures of mankind throughout history. Ceremonies and festivals honoring the "fallen angels pretending to be gods" have been preserved by being absorbed by institutionalized paganism, Catholicism, as well as simply being the trendy thing to do, as in our own self-deifying New Age and Neopagan culture. But the Bible clearly warns against these other gods, who are not really gods.

    Galatians 4:8 (NIV)
    Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods . But now that you know God --or rather are known by God-- how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them [ rebel angels pretending to be gods ] all over again? You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you.

Scripture talks of this "time of visitation". Sometime in the future God will judge these gods who are not gods, these beings who have not made the heavens and earth yet seek to be compared to God the Creator.

    Isaiah 26:21
    For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity
    Isaiah 24:21
    And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high [ the rebel angelic hosts] , and the kings of the earth upon the earth. And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days SHALL THEY BE VISITED.

There will be a time in the future when the angelic hierarchy, the high ones, the "gods who are not gods", who are also the same beings pretending to be aliens, will be stranded on the earth.

    Revelation 12:7
    And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Until the time when satan and his angels are imprisoned on the earth, as prisoners in a dungeon, they maintain access to "their place" in heaven. We are told that satan is not stuck in hell, nor imprisoned yet on earth, for he constantly accuses man before the throne of God:

    Rev. 12:10
    ... for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

Satan is currently allowed audience before God where he makes his accusations -- the battle in heaven which results in satan and his angels being imprisoned on earth has not yet occured. The Book of Job makes it clear that satan and his angels still have "their place" in heaven, they are still allowed audience before God. Satan still travels freely through the earth, he is not yet imprisoned, and he presents himself before God.

    Job 1:6
    Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

The Bible gives a specific time frame as to when the rebel angels will be stranded on Earth. Daniel's 70th Week, the seven year countdown to Christ's return which has commonly been called the "Tribulation", is divided into two haves of 1260 days each. The casting down of satan, the dragon, occurs at a time in which 1260 days REMAIN. This would put the War in Heaven and satan's defeat at the mid-point of Daniel's 70th Week, at the midpoint of the seven year countdown to Christ's return.

    Rev. 12:13
    And when the dragon saw that he was cast out onto the earth, he pursued the woman (Israel) who bore the male child (Jesus Christ) and those redeemed by him... and the woman was given two wings like a great eagle that she might fly to a place prepared for her where she is nourished for 1,260 days (3 and 1/2 years).

Satan knows that at the midpoint of the tribulation he and his "armies of the high place" will be cast down to earth, with no longer a "place still found for them in heaven." Satan and the rebel angels will be gathered, "a gathering of prisoners in a dungeon", and the earth will be their prison. God's judgment, His wrath, will then be poured out on the earth. Judgment is God's reason for visiting the inhabitants of the earth [the rebel angels cast out of heaven and of course the minions of antichrist]. The point where the "dwellers on high" or "the high places" are thrown to earth does not take place at the beginning of the seven years of the last week of history, but in the midst of that seven years. This middle point of the tribulation is when the battle in heaven between Michael and his angels, and Satan and his angels is decided. Satan is thrown to the earth and held there to be judged in Rev. 12:7. At this point John hears a loud voice of a multitude in heaven:

    NOW has come the salvation, and the power and the kingdom of our God... for the accuser of our brethren has been cast down, he who accused them before our God day and night.... Because of this be glad, the heavens, and you tabernacling [temporarily dwelling in them, as those raptured at the midpoint of the tribulation will come back to earth with Christ at Armageddon] in them. Woe to the earth and to the sea because the devil has gone down to you in great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time.

This passage describes the devil as enraged, having lost his battle with Michael and the good angels and permenently been thrown out of heaven to the earth. Why would there be a battle in the heavens at this point, 1260 days into the seemingly successful reign of antichrist? The battle is the last ditch effort of satan to prevent mortals, men made of dirt, from being resurrected to take the place vacated by the glorious rebel angels themselves.

Notice that both Isaiah 26 and Revelation 12 link the resurrection and the casting down of Satan simultaneously, just after 1260 days into antichrist's rule. This fact disallows the inaccurate belief that Satan and his angels have already been cast down to earth (a Mormon contention), and theories that the rapture takes place at the beginning of the seven years or some point significantly later than the midpoint of seven years.
Isaiah 26:19-21 explains that the tribulation judgment of the earth commences at the point immediately after the resurrection of the saints.

    Your dead ones shall live, my dead body; they shall rise up. Awake and sing, dust dwellers; for the dew of light is your dew; and the earth shall cast out the rapha (to be judged). Come My people, go in your rooms and shut your doors behind you. Hide for a little moment, until the fury passes. For, behold Jehovah comes out of His place to visit iniquity on the dweller of the earth.

God will be visiting the dwellers of the earth at a time JUST AFTER the resurrection of the faithful.

This description of the resurrection is detailed with an interesting point. The word rapha is a title given to the demonic spirits that were chained during the flood of Noah. This word has been misleadingly translated "departed spirits" in most Bibles. Rapha occurs nowhere in scripture except in reference to the descendants of the nephilim from Genesis 6, those rebel angels who bred with the daughters of Adam. These rapha will be loosed from their bonds and judged. After the midpoint of the tribulation the "inhabitants of the earth" will be not only humans who followed the Antichrist, but also the rebel angelic host who have been cast to earth at the midpoint of the tribulation, and other rebel angels like the Rapha who were not destroyed during the flood of Noah, but were bound within the earth and sea awaiting the day of judgment.

The extrabiblical book of Enoch refers to the chaining of the rebel "Sons of God" until the day of judgment:

    Enoch, thou scribe of justice, go, announce to the watchers of heaven, who have left the high heaven and the holy , eternal place, and have contaminated themselves with women [the rebel angels degraded themselves when they left their own God-given bodies to dwell in the offspring they created through genetic tampering] [...] from now on ye will not ascend into heaven to all eternity, and upon earth, it has been decreed, they shall bind you for all the days of the world. ...bind them under the hills of the earth... till the day of their judgment and of their end, till the last judgment has been passed for all eternity.

Interestingly, the Koran echoes this theme as well, that Satan has not yet been judged, but will be judged at a time corresponding to the resurrection.

    "Adam & Eve"vii, L
    ...We said unto the angels, Prostrate yourselves unto Adam, by way of salutation; whereupon they prostrated themselves, except Iblees, the father of the jinn, who was amid the angels... I am better than he: Thou hast created me of fire, and Thou hast created him of earth. God said, Then descend thou from Paradise; or as some say, from the heavens; for it is not fit for thee that thou behave thyself proudly therein: so go thou forth verily thou shalt be of the contemptible. He replied, Grant me respite until the day when mankind shall be raised from the dead. He said, Thou shalt be of those who are respited...

Satan and his "armies of the high place" will be cast down to earth at the midpoint of the tribulation, and those evil spirits who were held for the day of judgment on and in the earth will be cast out, to receive their judgment.

    Isaiah 27: 1
    In that day YHWH will visit the sea-monster, the fleeing serpent, with His fierce and great and strong sword, even on ... the twisting serpent ... .And He will slay the monster which is in the sea

"Come My people, go in your rooms and shut your doors behind you" (Isaiah 26) alludes to Noah's escape from the flood. Jesus himself used the same analogy when he described the days before he would come again in Luke 21. It would be just as it was in the times of Noah, that is, Noah went into the ark, the door was shut up after, and then the rains came.

Jesus Christ described the End Times: "The days before the coming of the son of man shall be exactly as in the days before Noah entered the ark". Taken literally, this would seem to point to certain circumstances that will exist beforehand. In the days of Noah, there was a very small group of people saying "prepare for the coming disaster". The main characteristic of the days before Noah entered the ark is the interaction between rebel angels and humans, Genesis 6. If these are the End Times as Jesus described, then we should look for the rebel angels to once again publicly manifest upon the earth, in the form of superior beings giving technology. In the End Times, as in the "days of Noah", the rebel angels will oversee a "breeding" campaign involving humans, resulting in supernatural offspring. Indeed, this is exactly what we are seeing in the "alien abduction scenario". The contact with the rebel angels, in the days of Noah, also contributed to rampant paganism, rebellion, violence and occultism. It is not hard to find the parallels in today's culture -- it would seem our times are just as the days of Noah.

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